Monday, March 30, 2009

for lunch last week? yeah last week.
i decided to whip up a little something. i grabbed some baby bok choy, carrots, scallions, serrano peppers, onions, ginger, garlic, stewing beef, rice, sirachi hot chilli sauce, rice wine vinegar, peanut oil, and soy sauce.
put them all into a magic hat with a tablespoon of tears from a puppy that was hit along the road and shook it onto a plate and look at this tasty pile of stir fried delight that just fell out!


check it! bibimbap!

"... a popular Korean dish. The word literally means "mixed rice" or "mixed meal".
i stole that part from wikipedia. anyway i had it a bunch of times here in state college, pa. then one day i was looking at my vegetables and they whispered to me all forlorn like and said: julienne us, and stir fry us up in savory oils and vinegar and sesame oil and soy sauce and add hot pepper paste in liberal amounts. and to my surprise the carrots cried out "add the ground beef from the shelf above us with the same treatment"! and to my surprise the spinach asked that an egg of all things be fried and placed on top, go figure, and so i did, placing everything onto a bed of fluffy rice.